Forum objectives

01-  Examine the central question of how to leverage innovative sources of financing for the continent’s economic transformation through industrialization and inclusive growth that will generate jobs, improve socio-economic conditions and provide resources to finance climate change adaptation initiatives.


02- Develop appropriate policies to attract private equity, particularly in sectors identified as major growth areas.
03 –  Together create a sustainable world with the aim of stimulating private investment in Africa by supporting start-ups and environmentally-friendly businesses
04 – Strengthen universal healthcare and improve the response to COVID-19
05 – Work to support Africa’s efforts to achieve lasting peace and stability, notably by supporting the idea of reforming the UN Security Council 
 06- Engage African civil society for climate resilience and just energy transition 
 07- Promote cooperation and exchange of experience on development, investment and trade within African countries and between them and the rest of the world
08- Develop new financing models to achieve the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals